Күн айнымалы ток кабелі
ZMS provides low-voltage and medium-voltage solar AC cable for various types of photovoltaic projects, including H07V-U Cable, H07RN-F Cable, NYY Cable, N2XSY Cable, NA2XS(F)2Y Cable, т.б.
In photovoltaic systems, solar AC cables are mainly used for grid connection of solar power generation. When a photovoltaic power station is close to the load center or is itself a distributed generation, the current output from the inverter can be directly integrated into the low-voltage grid through AC cables. To connect to the medium or high-voltage grid, AC cables need to be used to connect to a transformer first, which will raise the voltage to the appropriate level before connecting to the substation.
ZMS can design and provide suitable cable solutions according to the different needs of photovoltaic projects. Our Solar AC cables can optimize power transmission efficiency, reduce energy loss, and ensure that every bit of solar energy is fully utilized.

1.8/3kV CU(AL)/XLPE/(SWA)/PVC Cable
- Дирижер: Copper/Aluminum
- Insulation: XLPE
- Armour: SWA (Galvanized steel wire)
- Sheathing Material: PVC/LSZH/MDPE
- Nominal Voltage: 1.8/3KV
- Number of Cores: 1-5
- Bending Radius: 15 x D (single core), 10 x D (multi-core)
- Стандартты: IEC60502-1
- Application: Distribution cable from string inverter to LT string panel. MDPE cables can be buried, PVC cables and LSZH cables are suitable for internal and external applications.
12.7/22kV Medium-Voltage Cable
- Дирижер: Copper/Aluminum
- Insulation: XLPE
- Armour: SWA/AWA
- Sheathing Material: PVC/LSZH
- Nominal Voltage: 12.7/22кВ
- Number of Cores: 1/3
- Стандартты: IEC60502, BS 6622
- Application: Three-core medium voltage cables are suitable for distribution cables from the inverter duty transformer to MCR. Single-core medium-voltage cables can be used for main MV panel to power transfomer LV side.

NYY Cable
- Дирижер: Мыс
- Insulation: PVC
- Sheathing Material: PVC
- Nominal Voltage (Uo/U): 0.6/1.0кВ
- Maximum Permitted Operating Voltage in 3-Phase Systems: 1.2 кВ
- Operating Ambient Temperature: -5°C – +70°C
- Flame Retardant Rating: VDE 0482-332-1-2/IEC 60332-1
- UV Resistant: Yes
- Application: For fixed installation in free air, in ground and in water
H07V-U Cable
- Дирижер: Мыс
- Insulation: PVC
- Nominal Voltage (Uo/U): 450/750В
- Test Voltage: 2.5 кВ
- Operating Ambient Temperature: 5°C – +70°C
- Flame Retardant Rating: VDE 0482-332-1-2/IEC 60332-1
- Application: For laying in pipes on top of or under plaster and in closed installation ducts and for internal wiring of machinery, switchgear and distributor systems

H07RN-F Cable
- Дирижер: Class 5 copper
- Insulation: Rubber EPR
- Sheathing Material: Rubber CR
- Nominal Voltage (Uo/U): 450/750В
- Test Voltage: 2.5 кВ
- Operating Ambient Temperature: -25°C – +80°C
- Flame Retardant Rating: VDE 0482-332-1-2/IEC 60332-1
- Oil Resistant: EN 60811-2-1
- Ozone Resistant: Yes
- Application: For use at medium mechanical stress in dry, wet and damp locations, as well as in free air
ZMS Cable Products

Жиі қойылатын сұрақтар
How Should AC LV Cables Be Selected for Solar Power Projects?
When a solar power station is close to the load center or is itself a distributed generation, you only need to use low-voltage cables to directly connect to a three-phase 400V or single-phase 230V low-voltage distribution network. To connect to a medium or high-voltage grid, low-voltage cables must first be used to connect to a transformer.
The AC voltage output by the inverter usually comes in various standards. Мысалы, the output voltage of a central inverter can be 315V, 360В, 400В, and so on, while the output voltage of a string inverter can be 480V, 500В, 540В, 800В, and so on.
Сондықтан, in PV systems, it is generally possible to use low-voltage cables with a rated voltage of 450/750V, 0.6/1 кВ, or 1.8/3 кВ. Depending on whether the cable is buried or not, an armored layer may be added.
How Should AC MV Cables Be Selected for Solar Power Projects?
If a photovoltaic power generation system needs to connect to a medium or high-voltage grid, low-voltage cables must first be used to connect to a transformer, which will then step up the voltage to the appropriate level. Medium-voltage cables are then used to deliver power to the substation. The number of medium-voltage cables required depends on the connection method.
Traditional Star Structure
In the traditional star structure, each transformer has a single medium-voltage output line connecting to the substation. This structure is the simplest and most straightforward, and it is commonly used in the design of photovoltaic power stations. Each cable only carries the power of a single transformer, so the cable specifications are smaller, reducing costs. Дегенмен, since each transformer has only one line connecting to the substation, the reliability is not very high.
Single-Output Ring Structure
The single-output ring structure connects several transformers in a ring using cables, and the closest transformer to the substation is connected to the substation using medium-voltage cables. Compared to the double-output ring structure, the single-output ring structure uses fewer medium-voltage AC solar cables. Дегенмен, because the entire ring has only one line connecting to the substation, the reliability is lower.
Double-Output Ring Structure
The double-output ring structure has an additional line connecting the ring to the substation compared to the single-output ring structure. If one output line fails, the other line can continue to allow the inverters in the ring to output power to the grid. Similar to the single-output ring structure, considering the flow direction during a fault, all cables must be selected to withstand the power of all transformers, resulting in relatively higher costs.
Bridge Structure
Before the ring structure was proposed, the bridge structure was often used. In this structure, based on the star structure, each pair of adjacent transformers is connected using medium-voltage cables. This way, each transformer has two lines connecting to the substation, greatly improving system reliability. Дегенмен, the cost is relatively high due to the additional cables between each pair of transformers.
For photovoltaic power stations of different sizes, the cable selection analysis varies under different requirements. When selecting medium-voltage cables, it is essential to comprehensively consider mandatory requirements, costs, and benefits to determine the most advantageous solution and decision.
What Are the Principles for Selecting AC Cables for Solar Power Systems?
The selection of AC cables for solar projects follows the general requirements for cable selection, which include considering voltage levels, continuous operating current, short-circuit thermal stability, allowable voltage drop, economic current density, and installation environment conditions. Қосымша, photovoltaic power generation has its own characteristics, requiring consideration for cables that may be used in harsh environmental conditions such as high temperatures, severe cold, and ultraviolet radiation. Сондықтан, the following factors should be taken into account:
- Insulation performance of the cable
- Heat resistance and flame retardancy of the cable
- Moisture resistance and UV protection of the cable
- Installation methods of the cable
- Type of cable conductor
- Cable specification
ZMS can provide you with a comprehensive solar cable solution for your photovoltaic power generation project, greatly facilitating your power cabling needs.

Жобаның ерекшелігі
ZMS күштерін біріктірді Жасыл мемлекет күші (GSP), жаңартылатын энергия инфрақұрылымының пионері, монументалды жабдықтау 10 Кабулдағы MWP фотоэлектрлік жобасы, Ауғанстан.
ZMS PV жобасын жан-жақты талдап, онымен қамтамасыз етті 1X10 және 1X6 күн кабельдері H1Z2Z2-K, 3X300 LV кабельдері, 3X300 MV кабельдері, сондай-ақ ACSR 185/30 әуе кабельдері. Бұларды толықтыратын PV қосқыштары және мұқият өңделген құралдар қораптары сияқты маңызды керек-жарақтар болды.
ZMS-тің сапа мен сенімділікке деген ұмтылысы біркелкі орнатуды және пайдалану тиімділігін қамтамасыз етті, аймақтың тұрақты энергетикалық инфрақұрылымына үлес қосу.
ZMS қызметі
Жекелеген өндіріс
We understand that every customer's needs are unique. Сондықтан, біз жекелендірілген күн кабелін теңшеу қызметтерін ұсынамыз, жобаның нақты талаптарына сәйкес кабельдік спецификациялардан қосылым интерфейстеріне дейін әрбір бөлшекті бейімдеу, максималды үйлесімділік пен тиімділікті қамтамасыз ету.
Жаһандық жедел әрекет ету логистикасы
Біздің жаһандық логистикалық желінің қолдауымен, ZMS фотоэлектрлік кабельге тапсырыстарыңыз әлемнің кез келген бұрышына қауіпсіз және жылдам жетуін қамтамасыз етеді. Біздің кәсіби логистикалық команда сіздің тауарларыңызды уақтылы жеткізуді қамтамасыз ету үшін тасымалдаудың әрбір кезеңін бақылайды.
Техникалық көмек
ZMS's technical support team is always on standby. Кез келген техникалық қиындықтарға қарамастан, біз жылдам жауаптар мен кәсіби шешімдерді ұсына аламыз, пайдаланушы тәжірибесін алаңдатпай қамтамасыз ету.
Жасыл өндіріс
Біздің күн кабельдері мен керек-жарақтары өндіріс процесінде экологиялық стандарттарға қатаң сәйкес келеді, олардың қоршаған ортаға әсерін барынша азайту. ZMS таңдау арқылы, Сіз жоғары сапалы фотоэлектрлік кабельдерге инвестиция салып қана қоймай, планетаның тұрақты дамуына үлес қосасыз.