ZMS û Hêza Dewleta Kesk li ser Naghlu hevkariyê dikin 10 Projeya Rojê ya MWdc

ZMS Cable has proudly partnered with Green State Power (GSP) for the groundbreaking Naghlu 10 MWP solar project in the Surobi District of Kabul, Afxanistan. This ambitious solar power project aims to bring clean, renewable energy to approximately 10,000 homes, significantly impacting the local community. ZMS has provided a complete cable solution for the project.

Construction of PV plant
PV plant construction


Hêza Dewleta Kesk (GSP) is a leading investment advisory consulting firm known for its expertise in delivering top-tier investment solutions across various sectors. With over a decade of experience, GSP has significantly contributed to renewable energy development through strategic partnerships with governments and global companies. Their comprehensive network of specialized firms allows them to effectively handle large-scale urbanization and infrastructure projects, enhancing socioeconomic conditions worldwide.

de hate damezrandin 1990, ZMS Cable is a professional supplier of high-quality electrical cables based in China, serving over 183 welatan. ZMS manufactures cables with 99.9% pure copper and offers comprehensive services, from consulting to after-sales support. With an annual production of 500 million meters and sales of 300 million, ZMS ensures cost-effective, durable cables with numerous international certifications. This collaboration on the Naghlu 10 MWP PV project marks the first partnership between ZMS and GSP, highlighting their shared commitment to advancing renewable energy.

Project Details

The Naghlu 10 MWdc solar power project in the Surobi District of Kabul, Afxanistan, însiyatîfek ambargo ye ku ji bo girêdana bi tora elektrîkê ya Afganistanê ve hatî çêkirin. Proje di Cotmehê de dest pê kir 30, 2023, û tê plankirin ku di meha Tîrmehê de biqede 19, 2024, bi 45% karê ku jixwe li gorî dema pejirandî qediyaye. Ev proje pêngavek girîng di sektora enerjiya nûjenkirî ya Afganîstanê de destnîşan dike.

Naghlu 10 Projeya MWP PV
Naghlu 10 Plana Projeya MWP PV

Armanca bingehîn a Projeya Rojê ya Naghlu paqijkirina paqijiyê ye, renewable energy to approximately 10,000 malên li taxa Surobî. Dema ku hêza ku hatî hilberandin dê di serî de Surobi ronî bike, her enerjiya zêde dê derbasî pergala tora neteweyî bibe, beşdarî hewildana berfireh a berfirehkirina gihîştina elektrîkê bi rêyên domdar. Ev proje ne tenê ewlehiya enerjiya herêmî zêde dike, lê di heman demê de piştgirî dide derbasbûna Afganîstanê berbi çavkaniyên enerjiyê yên nûjenkirî, reflecting the joint commitment of ZMS and GSP to foster sustainable development and improve the quality of life for the local community.

ZMS’s Contribution

ZMS Cable has supplied a range of high-quality products to ensure the success and efficiency of the Naghlu 10 MWdc solar power project. The products provided include 1X10 and 1X6 solar cables, 3X300 LV and 3X300 MV cables, ACSR 185/30 kabloyên, PV connectors, and tool kits. Each of these components plays a crucial role in the project’s overall functionality and reliability.

The 1X10 and 1X6 solar cables are designed for photovoltaic power plants and provide excellent conductivity, ensuring efficient power transmission from the solar panels to the grid. The 3X300 LV (Low Voltage) and 3X300 MV (Medium Voltage) cables are critical for safely transmitting electricity over long distances, maintaining voltage stability, and reducing power loss. ACSR 185/30 kabloyên, made from aluminum conductor steel-reinforced wire, offer superior strength and durability, making them ideal for withstanding the harsh environmental conditions of the region.

In addition to these cables, ZMS has supplied PV connectors and tool kits that are essential for the installation and maintenance of the solar power system. These connectors are designed for easy and secure connections, minimizing the risk of power loss and ensuring long-term reliability.

The technical superiority of ZMS’s products enhances the efficiency and reliability of the Naghlu solar project. By using high-quality materials and adhering to stringent manufacturing standards, ZMS ensures that the solar power system operates at peak performance, delivering consistent and dependable energy to the Surobi district and beyond.

ZMS Cable Display
ZMS Cable Sample Display

Impact and Future Prospects

The immediate benefits of the Naghlu 10 MWdc solar power project in Kabul are significant. By providing clean, renewable energy to approximately 10,000 homes, the project will greatly enhance the quality of life for residents in the Surobi district. The connection to Afghanistan’s electrical grid ensures a stable and reliable energy supply, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This project is a crucial step towards a sustainable energy future for the region, promoting environmental sustainability and energy security.

Di demeke dirêj de, the Naghlu solar project sets a precedent for future renewable energy initiatives in Afghanistan and beyond. The success of this project demonstrates the viability of large-scale solar power installations in the region, encouraging further investment and development in the renewable energy sector. The collaboration between ZMS and GSP has proven to be highly effective, showcasing the strengths of both companies in delivering high-quality, efficient solutions for complex energy projects.

ZMS Project Manager’s Comment:

Mr. Lee, ZMS Project Manager, commented, “Working on the Naghlu 10 MWdc solar power project has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Our partnership with Green State Power has allowed us to combine our technical expertise and innovative solutions to create a project that will have a lasting positive impact on the community. The high-quality DC and AC cables and components we supplied were meticulously designed to meet the specific needs of this project, ensuring efficiency and reliability. We are proud to be part of this groundbreaking initiative and look forward to more successful collaborations in the future.

The potential for future collaborations between ZMS and GSP is promising. Both companies have shown a strong commitment to advancing renewable energy initiatives, and their combined expertise and resources can drive further innovations and projects in this field. Future collaborations could include larger-scale solar installations, wind energy projects, and other renewable energy solutions, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development.

Looking ahead, ZMS and GSP have ambitious plans to expand their presence in the renewable energy sector. ZMS aims to increase its production capacity and develop new, innovative products that meet the evolving needs of the market. GSP continues to seek out strategic partnerships and investment opportunities that align with its mission of enhancing socioeconomic conditions through sustainable energy solutions. Bihevra, these companies are well-positioned to lead the way in the transition to a greener, more sustainable future.


The collaboration between ZMS Cable and Green State Power (GSP) on the Naghlu 10 MWdc solar power project marks a significant step forward for renewable energy in Afghanistan. By delivering clean energy to around 10,000 homes, this project enhances local quality of life and supports the broader goal of sustainable energy expansion.

The success of this partnership highlights the effectiveness of combining technical expertise with innovative solutions to tackle energy challenges. As the project progresses toward completion, it sets a precedent for future renewable energy initiatives and exemplifies the positive impact of strategic collaborations. Both ZMS and GSP are committed to driving further advancements in the renewable energy sector, paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future.